Drone startup : Fullstack Software Engineer, Frontend Software Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, Mechanical Design Engineer
Drone startup - Fullstack Software Engineer, Frontend Software Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, Mechanical Design Engineer - 2 days/week in the office (London, UK) - Citizens of the UNITED KINGDOM only
You'd be working with engineers who previously worked at Google, Amazon, an F1 team, and very early engineers at Darktrace and Helsing. We build drones (software and hardware)
We’re looking for engineers who prioritise real world impact, and use technology as a solution. We prefer personal projects or relevant hobbies, not hard leetcode questions. We’re looking for mission-driven engineers. People who see problems in the world and want to help solve them.
You’d be working with me to build low latency, multi-drone, modern mission planning, flight monitoring and control software for drones. Other applications include tools for drone design and manufacturing. For my project, we use React, Tailwind, Node, drizzle-orm, Postgres, SQLite, deck.gl, Python, FastAPI, asyncio, and more.
If interested, email my temporary email: hn-mar25@mail.orth.uk. Temporary only because of spam emails (not related to hiring).
My personal website, if you want to know who you would work with: tlduck.com and https://stackoverflow.com/users/7365866/ben-butterworth